Clenching or Bruxing
Clenching or Bruxing
Bruxing is the medical term for grinding or clenching teeth.
Signs that you have been bruxing
• Sore jaw muscles (particularly noticeable upon waking)
• Jaw joint problems (arthritis, disc degeneration)
• Trouble opening your jaw entirely
• Hypersensitive teeth
• Fine cracks in tooth enamel (like cracks in china)
• Broken or fractured teeth including root fractures leading to tooth loss
• Broken or dislodged dental restorations
• Tell tale wear pattern in teeth
• Extensive tooth wear
• Head aches/ migraines
• Neck pain
Bruxism effects approximately up to 30 % of the population yet goes largely unnoticed as it is often carried out habitually & subconsciously either while asleep, deep in concentration or under stress. Bruxism can also be a side effect of a number of drugs and medications.
If you have one or more of the above listed symptoms please see your dentist to be assessed. If left untreated bruxing can cause extensive and at times irreparable damage to teeth and jaw joints .
A night guard may be necessary ,to prevent further damage.